Friday 11 March 2011

Hereafter 2010 English Movie Review

  • Director: Clint Eastwood

  • Screenwriter: Peter Morgan

  • Cast: Matt Damon, Cécile De France, Frankie McLaren, George McLaren, Jay Mohr, Thierry Neuvic, Bryce Dallas Howard

  • Cinematography: Tom Stern

  • Original Music By: Clint Eastwood

Hereafter is interesting in that it’s like watching three separate movies for most of the film. Each of the main characters has their own complete story before their paths cross in the third act. I like this because Marie, Marcus, and George do need each other, and we can see that they do, and that their current life isn’t working out for them. However, it was also distracting. The three stories intertwined without the characters meeting until the end – right as you were getting into one character’s story, it would switch to another. It did this throughout the whole movie until the characters actually met and their story became one.

Hereafter weaves together the story of a famous French news anchor, Marie LeLay (De France), a psychic turned factory worker, George Lonegan (Damon), and a young British boy named Marcus (McLaren). After vacationing off the coast of an island Marie finds herself in the middle of a tropical storm where she’s severely injured and drowns only to come back to life several minutes later. After experiencing such an event, she begins to have visions of the “other side,” which causes her to become an outsider amongst her professional and personal peers.

The story is boring. Perhaps on paper the concept of Hereafter sounds amazing but it doesn’t translate well onto the screen. It’s not visually interesting. The only thing that catches your attention is the opening scene that features a huge tidal wave engulfing a town. Other than that, yawn.

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