Tuesday 29 March 2011

Flash Point (2007) Movie Review

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Hong Kong Police Inspector Jun Ma (Donnie Yen) is a baaaaad man. How bad? When we first see him, he’s gotten news that a suspect he has been looking for has resurfaced in a gym. Ma proceeds over to the gym, gets in the ring with the suspect, and beats the living Jesus out of him after verbally relating his joy that the chump has finally resurfaced. Later, after he is reprimanded by his superiors for excessive force, a list of complaints that is an arm long, he demands an ending to the proceedings, before chiding them for wasting an hour of his time. This results in his demotion to the police force’s music department. Mind you, not that that’s going to stop him.

The plot, such as it is, follows Yen’s Jun Ma and his partner, Wilson (Louis Koo) as they go after a trio of vicious Vietnamese gangsters who are also brothers. Wilson has gotten in good with the baddies, and when we first meet him, Wilson further strengthens his street cred by throwing a bottle of wine in Ma’s face. As the case against the brothers are slowly created, Wilson realizes that his position within the organization is a precarious one, especially when the Vietnamese begins a war with the Hong Kong Triad, as well as their own benefactors. And as we all know from all our years of watching Hong Kong movies about undercover cops, bad things tend to happen to them. Sorry, Wilson, it was nice knowing ya, chum.
Flash Point (2007) Movie Review Latest English Movies Review

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