Wednesday, 23 February 2011

How to Prepare for Your 1st Tattoo

Time for mental preparation. Some personally tried and tested methods for getting through your first tattoo are as follows.
Your first tattoo should be relatively small. That way if its unbearable for you, you will not have to suffer for an hour or multiple sessions to complete your ink.
Test your pain tolerance in different locations on your body. I have found the closest way to feel like your being tattooed is to scratch a small area of your skin with your fingernail in a short straight line. Apply enough pressure and go back and forth fast enough to create a very strong burning sensation. That is about what your tattoo is going to feel like in its least painful moments. Try this method on various parts of your body to find which is least sensitive. That's the sweet spot, put your first tattoo there.
Many people view their tattoos as a rite of passage of sorts. When going for your first it is a good mentality to keep. Tell yourself from the get go that once that needle touches your skin there's no quitting option. Don't even allow yourself to believe that you can get up and leave once its started. Lets look at this realistically, do you really want to be the guy/gal that has half a tattoo done and everybody that sees it knows that you couldn't take it? If you REALLY want a tattoo go for the finish line and accept nothing less. If you walk out in the beginning or middle then you should never have been there in the first place

During your first and any subsequent tattoos you may find it very helpful to stare at one object in a room and "Zone" out by focusing on another inanimate object. I used a gold toned door knob once to zone out and you would be surprised at the detail that sucker had. Another option is to keep your eyes moving, look around the room at wall decor. Study pictures and posters hanging on the walls. Look at anything but the needle and the tattoo in progress. Bring a buddy and chat them up about any inane thing you can think of. Keeping your eyes elsewhere makes it easy to focus your mind on other things. These are very effective ways to "block" out pain.

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